Sunday, February 14, 2016

Present from Korea

So I received a beautiful Korean bow, bamboo Songmugung.  It's 40lbs, and perfect for me right now.  I decided to practice my form more so I got this 40lbs bow to do so.
This bow is absolutely beautiful, and the fit and finish is much better than my 30lbs Kaya KTB.
I ordered it to wrap with natural birch bark sheet.  Although it will crack easily on modern laminated material, I just love the natural staff on my bow.

I love this bow.


  1. Thanks for sharing this; I had the opportunity of shooting an SMG carbon last weekend and it was a great experience. Might pick one up towards the end of the year.

    1. Great! Yeah SMG is a good company. I had #50 carbon one, and I liked it a lot. This bamboo feels much smoother and less hand shock compare to the carbon one.
