Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Bow Hunter Unlimited

It's been a while since I posted here. 
Now I finally started to practice archery again.  This time I met up with friends at archery range called Bow hunter Unlimited, Cupertino.
The weather was perfect, and I brought my new sinew backed 13th Mongolian bow, and Korean SMG bow.  I will post about this Mongolian bow in some other day.

Bow Hunter Unlimited Archery Range

Justin and Joshua are testing their bows

Justin checking the poundage of my Mongolian bow.  I think it was about #52 at 27" draw.

My two bows together.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Present from Korea

So I received a beautiful Korean bow, bamboo Songmugung.  It's 40lbs, and perfect for me right now.  I decided to practice my form more so I got this 40lbs bow to do so.
This bow is absolutely beautiful, and the fit and finish is much better than my 30lbs Kaya KTB.
I ordered it to wrap with natural birch bark sheet.  Although it will crack easily on modern laminated material, I just love the natural staff on my bow.

I love this bow.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Yuan dynasty, Mongolian bow

So I got this bow from Justin Ma, who is an owner of online site,  I wanted to try something else then Korean bows so I chose this bow.  This is non contact siyah bow, which is opposite of Korean bows(contacted siyah bows).
It's about 64# at 32" draw, and my draw is about 30.5", so it's about 50# at my draw length.
It draws very smooth, it shoots very nice.  I really like this bow.
However, due to lack of practicing time, and busy with my life, I decided to sell this bow to someone who can enjoy shooting it.  Simply the bow is too heavy for me.
I figured that with current practicing time, which is about 1 hour every 3 month....I did not see myself shooting this bow soon.

Monday, February 23, 2015

A few shots of my equipment at Redwood bowmen club

Manchu bow

I tried to meet with Justin when he comes to Redwood bowmen club.  I learn a lot from him, and he is such a nice guy who help out fellows like me, a newbie.
This time he brought a Manchu bow.
You can get good info about Manchu bow from here
The bow Justin brought is made by Jia Zhi Wei.  His web site is

The bow is very big, yet it draws very smooth.  I tried a #55 bow, and it was so smooth!  The maximum draw length of the bow is 36".

Custom ordered Korean quiver

I found a great artist, Yeochan Yun, who lives in Korea.  The official website is 
His work is excellent.  I ordered a specific design, and he did great job.

The bow is SongMuGung from Korea.  It's about 50# 31"  It's little heavy for me right now, but I will keep practice with it.  It's a very fast bow.  I highly recommend this bow to anyone who is interested in fast Asian traditional bows.

Modding my sugakkji

After I shot many arrows, I noticed my ring got very dirty due to the light color.  So I decided to use a Japanese technique called "shosugiban", which is burning wood technique.  It turned out pretty good.