Sunday, October 19, 2014

Is Asian traditional archery difficult?

Yes it is.  First traditional archery means, no sight to help aiming, no arrow rest to help arrow flying.  It's just you, the bow, and arrows.  You shoot instinctively, which means, you do not aim.  You open both eyes, you look at the target, and you shoot.  Everything is muscle memories, which means you need to practice a lot.
It's like playing golf or basket ball.  When you play basketball, you just look at the net, and your mind and body know how much strength, and angle to shoot the ball in the net.  It's the same concept.
It's hard, but when the arrow hits the target, it feels very good.  When you shoot, when the arrow started to leave your hand, you can tell whether it's a clean shot or not.  The sounds, the feel, the vibration, everything is different when you have a clean shot.

It's so much fun.

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