Sunday, October 19, 2014

The bow I chose for my first one.

I have been interested in bows quite a while, but I did not know anything about them.  I just thought they were cool.  Although I did not have any knowledge of them, I was always attracted to them.  I do not know why.

I decided to purchase my first bow after watching a movie called "War of the arrows"

The movie was packed with bows and arrows action scenes, and I loved it.
You can find this movie on Netflix. 

This is my first bow, Kaya KTB.  I believe KTB means Korean Traditional Bow.
The company name is Kaya.

I think it took about 3-4 weeks to arrive from Korea.  Since I have never touched a bow in my life, I can not say it's a good bow, but I found many positive reviews of this bow online from archers.


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